Friday, August 21, 2009

The Next Great Depression

Everybody has experienced it, we have all lost something because of it, (Jobs, houses, belongings, raises) If you have not been affected in the least bit by the economic downfall of America you are either very lucky or you are a Corporate big wig. IF the later is true, and you are reading this, please, stop blog searching while you are waiting for the next tee off to free up.
My personal categorization of the Next Great Depression is 2 simple bullet points.
* Those with a job
* Those without a job
My hypothesis is based on personal experience and a working knowledge on what’s currently happening in the job market based on my searches and friends who are both out of work and working.
Those with a job are facing the most challenging times of our careers. Some days you have too much to do and other days not enough. ( which can lead to the impression that you are no longer needed)
Although it may be nice to daydream about leaving the current shithole you are working in, I must give you some solid advice. The few jobs YOU qualify for that are available are being scooped up by overqualified applicants who are willing to work for peso's. It is more attractive to the current employers to hire an over qualified person. These people can do the job above them and below them, for only a buck or two more than what they would pay the normally qualified person to do the job.
Till this economy REALLY picks up. ( not just some talking head on TV saying " I believe stuffs getting better! The stock market went up today. ") I am talking about jobs flooding the market, unemployment going down to 4%, The REAL thing.
Till that happens, your best bet is to deploy all the tricks you have learned over the years to keep busy or at least appear to be. I had a Test Lead that showed me a macro in excel which basically was a fancy graft. He would set the macro and the graph would move around and change parameters randomly, giving the illusion of excel work being done. Now, I am not saying to fake like you are working, BUT, if your boss walked by and glanced at your desk, JUST as you were taking a quick break to eat a snack, what would he see? (keep in mind HE is being pressured by upper management to cut costs )
Well, in his eyes, he would see you lounging at your desk doing nothing, maybe even think about cutting you loose.
Next scenario:
You have a macro running in excel that makes your desk top look like some major work is happening. You take a break to eat a snack at your desk. Your boss walks by and glances your way. He see’s an employee who is taking their break at their desk while they still work, and maybe thinks....mmmmmm...efficient! (and like a boy holding a magnifying glass with the sun focused to a fine point over an ant, the giant job disintegrating laser moves slowly past you like the Death star))
Don’t laugh, decisions can be made about your entire career at a glance.
Corporate America cares nothing for you or your family or your lively hood.
Its up to your knowledge of your surroundings and your basic instinct for survival to keep your job during these horrible times we currently live in.

On to the next category,
Those without a job.
If you are not collecting unemployment, contact your state unemployment agency, special programs are in place under the Obama administration to get you help.
Also, special programs are available for reduced insurance through COBRA.
Now is the time to seek help from your inner circle of friends who might connect you to a lead on a position.
Everything else is common knowledge, search engines for jobs, keeping your resume up to date, ect ect.
Keep a positive attitude and May the force be with you.

Please leave any helpfull advice on how to look busy in the comments section, maybe togeather we can help the American workers keep our jobs by learning how to "Look Busy"

1 comment:

  1. As we said on the boats, "If you got time to lean you got time to clean." don't get caught taking a breather when it's not your break time. If you run out of real work to do try tidying up your work area, it's not much but it makes you look busy.
